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Thins Onion Rings Lilo

VanCootens Thins Onion Rings Lilo Terms and Conditions

Promotion: VanCootens Thins Onion Rings Lilo Comp

Promoter: VanCootens (ABN 60 269 925 747) - KAD CHEW PTY LTD: 80 Steley Street, Howard 4659

Promotional Period: Commences on 15th February 2024 at 6:30am and concludes after the prize draw on 29/2/24 or while product stocks last.

Eligible Entrants:
Participation in the Promotion is limited to persons who are, insofar as is the case for the duration of the Promotional Period:
a. aged 18 years of age or over;
b. not excluded from VanCootens;
c. not an Invalid Entrant;
d. not Directors, officers, management and employees of VanCootens, and their immediate families are not eligible to participate in the Promotion (including details outlined in VanCootens Staff Policies & Procedures).

(“Eligible Entrant/s”). If an Eligible Entrant’s membership status is cancelled during the Promotional Period so that he or she is no longer an Eligible Entrant, that person will no longer be eligible to enter or participate in the Promotion and will forfeit any entitlement to a prize (an “Invalid Entrant”).

To enter the Promotion, Eligible Entrants must:
a. Buy 1 packet of Thins Onion Rings 85g from VanCootens during an Entry Period. The Eligible Entrant will receive an entry form to the Promotion for each transaction during the Entry Period;
b. Complete all details on the entry form; and
c. Place the entry form into the barrel located within VanCootens (“Barrel”) by 6pm during an Entry Period.

Eligible Entrants must place their Entry into the physical barrel (“Barrel”) located within VanCootens.

Prize Draw:
A representative of the Promoter (“MC”) will randomly select (1) entry form from the Barrel at 9am of the first day of the Commencement Period of each Entry Period (“Prize Winner”). This winner will be contacted using the information provided on the entry form. A representative of Promoter will review each Drawn Entry to confirm eligibility into the Promotion.

If a Drawn Entry is deemed an Invalid Entrant or Invalid Entry, it will not be considered as a valid draw and an additional Entry will be drawn until a Drawn Entrant is not deemed to be an Invalid Entrant nor an Invalid Entry (“Prize Winner”).

If any winner chooses not to take their prize (or is unable to), or does not take or claim a prize by the time specified by the Promoter, or is unavailable, they forfeit the prize and the Promoter is not obliged to substitute the prize.

The value of the prizes is accurate and based upon the recommended retail value of the prizes (inclusive of GST) at the date of printing. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for any variation in the value of the prizes after that date.

No part of a prize is exchangeable, redeemable for cash or any other prize or transferable, unless otherwise specified in writing by the Promoter.

1 These Terms and Conditions incorporate and must be read together with the details outlined in the table above. Information about Prizes, the Schedule and materials on how to enter this Promotion forms part of these Terms and Conditions. By entering, you accept these Terms and Conditions.

2 Your Entry into this Promotion must be received during the Promotional Period and is subject to Entry Limits. The Promoter is not liable for any problems with communications networks. You are responsible for your own costs associated with entering.

3 The Promoter reserves the right to waive or vary the identification requirements specified in these Terms and Conditions in circumstances where the identity of the winner is determinable without the assistance of the specified identification.

4 If you or your Entry are deemed by the Promoter to breach these Terms and Conditions, your Entry (or at the Promoter’s discretion, all of your entries) may be discarded. The Promoter may, at any time, require you to produce documentation to establish to the Promoter’s satisfaction the validity of your Entry (including documentation establishing your identity, age, place of residence and place of employment). Failure by the Promoter to enforce any of its rights at any stage does not waive those rights.

5 You must not:
a tamper with the entry process;
b. engage in any conduct that may jeopardise the fair and proper conduct of the promotion;
c. act in a disruptive, annoying, threatening, abusive or harassing manner;
d. do anything that may diminish the good name or reputation of the Promoter or any of its related entities or of the agencies or companies associated with this promotion;
e. breach any law; or
f. behave in a way that is otherwise inappropriate.

6 The Promoter is not liable for entries, prize claims or correspondence that are misplaced, misdirected, delayed, lost, incomplete, illegible or incorrectly submitted.

7 The Promoter’s decision in connection with all aspects of this promotion is final.

8 VanCootens reserves the right to cancel or change any Prize offered under the Promotion if there are any changes to the law which would or might render the Promotion or any prizes offered under the Promotion unlawful.

9 No Prize, entry or other feature of the Promotion can be transferred or redeemed for cash, or other goods or services.

10 To the extent that a situation, malfunction, or other issue arises for which these Terms and Conditions make no provision or in relation to which the relevant terms and conditions are unclear, the Promoter reserves the right to (a) make a decision regarding those circumstances which is not inconsistent with these Terms and Conditions; and/or (b) postpone the draw/s to a time and place which will allow the draw to be conducted in accordance with all terms and conditions other than those terms and conditions which specify the time and place of the draw/s.

11 If this Promotion cannot run as planned for any reason beyond the Promoter’s reasonable control, for example due to software, hardware or communications issues, unauthorised intervention, tampering, fraud or technical failure, the closure of the Promoter’s premises, government directives, public health orders and the like, the Promoter may end, change, suspend or cancel the Promotion or disqualify affected entries/entrants.

12 The Promoter may disclose your personal information, including details of winners where required or authorised to do so by or under law or the disclosure is reasonably necessary to enforce the law. This may occur under the laws that apply to the Promoter’s business, for example, where a regulatory authority requests information from the Promoter.

13 Should the Prize Winner consent to having his/her photograph taken, that Prize Winner consents to having his/her name and photograph published in any form of media and agrees to participate in any reasonable promotion requested by VanCootens.

14 When there is no Prize Winner or the Prize Winner cannot be found, this information will be published at VanCootens within 48 hours of the conclusion of the Promotion for a temporary period.

15 A copy of these Terms and Conditions governing the Promotion can be obtained from VanCootens.

16 If any dispute arises between an entrant of the Promotion and the Promoter concerning the conduct of this promotion or claiming a prize, the Promoter will take reasonable steps to consider the entrant’s point of view, taking into account any facts or evidence the entrant puts forward, and to respond to it fairly within a reasonable time. In all other respects, the Promoter’s decision is final, and no correspondence will be entered into.

17 Nothing in these Terms and Conditions restricts, excludes or modifies any consumer rights under any statute including the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth).

18 Subject to the previous paragraph, the Promoter and the agencies and companies associated with this Promotion are not liable (including in negligence) for any loss (including indirect, special or consequential loss or loss of profits), expense, damage, personal injury, illness or death suffered in connection with this Promotion or any prize, except for any liability which under statute cannot be excluded (in which case that liability is limited to the greatest extent allowed by law).

19If a prize is provided to the Promoter by a third party, the prize is subject to the terms and conditions of the third party prize supplier and the provision of the prize is the sole responsibility of the third party and not the Promoter. The terms and conditions which apply to the prize at the time it is issued to the winner will prevail over these Conditions of Entry, to the extent of any inconsistency. The Promoter accepts no responsibility or liability for any delay or failure by the third party to deliver the prize, any delay or failure relating to the prize itself or failure by the third party to meet any of its obligations in these Conditions of Entry or otherwise

20 The Prize Winner and any other person(s) nominated to share the Prize with the Prize Winner agrees to accept, receive and use the Prize at their own risk and will, at all times, indemnify, keep indemnified, hold harmless and release VanCootens to the full extent permitted by law from and against any and all claims, causes of action, losses, damage, liability, cost or expense (including legal expenses on a full indemnity basis), incurred by VanCootens as a result of or in connection with the Promotion and from all liability which may arise in respect of any accident, damage or injury occurring to any person or property in connection with the Prize and / or the Prize Winner.

21 Without limiting the previous paragraph, the Promoter and the agencies and companies associated with this promotion are not liable for any loss of, damage to or delay in delivery of prizes or for any damage that occurs to prizes if/when displayed at VanCootens.

22 The Promoter needs to collect the personal information of entrants so that the entrant can be entered into the Promotion. The Privacy Policy of VanCootens outlines that no personal information is retained or provided to third parties. All entries are destroyed at the end of each monthly prize cycle.

23 “The Promoter” of the Promotion is VanCootens (ABN 60 269 925 747) of 80 Steley Street, Howard 4659.

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